Production type: Standard
Regulatory reference: SILANO DOP
Cheese description: Spheroidal shape, approximately 2.5 kg, with a hard rind 0.5 cm thick, yellow straw-colored paste
Production location: Lavello, Basilicata, Italy
Type of milk: High-Quality raw cow’s milk with the addition of natural whey starter
Production method: The fresh milk, immediately after milking, is coagulated with natural rennet. The curd is hand-shaped into spheroidal forms
Aging: In underground cellars, with monitored temperature and humidity
Production period: Year-round
Animal feed: Farm-grown forage
Flavor: Initially sweet, buttery, and milky, becoming more intense, persistent, and spicy over time.
Product note: Semihard stretched-curd cheese, medium to long aging
Packaging: Traditional spherical shape of approximately 2.5 kg
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